Paternity disputes and other issues – especially child custody issues – can arise as part of a divorce proceeding. If the paternity of a child is in question, the court will require parents to establish the legal father of the child before determining how the parents will share child custody or issuing child support orders. While rare, paternity questions and challenges can become part of the divorce process.
If any of these problems arise in your divorce case, always contact an experienced family law attorney in your jurisdiction as quickly as possible. Your attorney can take the appropriate steps on your behalf and use the most efficient means of resolving your case favorably.
Types of Paternity Issues that May Arise in the Context of a Divorce Proceeding in SC
During a divorce, paternity issues can be complex and emotional. They often involve determining the biological father of a child or children, which can have significant legal and emotional implications for all parties involved.
- One type of paternity issue that may arise during a divorce is when the husband denies paternity of a child born during the marriage. This can happen if there are doubts about the husband’s biological connection to the child, perhaps due to infidelity or other factors. In such cases, DNA testing may be necessary to establish the biological father’s identity and determine parental rights and responsibilities.
- Another common paternity issue in divorce cases is when the wife alleges that her husband is not the biological father of one or more of their children. This may be due to an extramarital affair or other circumstances that call into question the husband’s paternity. Again, DNA testing may be required to confirm or deny these claims, which can have significant implications for child custody, support, and visitation rights.
- In some cases, paternity issues may arise when a child is born outside of marriage, either before or during the divorce proceedings. If the biological father is not legally recognized as the child’s father, he may need to establish paternity through DNA testing or other means to assert his rights to custody, visitation, and support.
- Additionally, same-sex couples may encounter paternity issues during a divorce involving children born through assisted reproductive technologies, such as sperm donation or surrogacy. In such cases, questions may arise regarding the child's legal parentage and the rights and responsibilities of each parent, including non-biological parents who may have played a significant role in the child’s life.
Paternity issues in divorce cases can be complicated and emotionally charged, requiring careful consideration of legal, biological, and familial factors. If any of these issues arise in your divorce case, your family law attorney can work to resolve them as efficiently as possible.
Determining Child Custody When Paternity is in Dispute

Determining child custody becomes particularly challenging when paternity is in dispute during a divorce. Courts prioritize the best interests of the child, but without establishing paternity, making custody decisions becomes complicated.
One approach is to conduct DNA testing to conclusively determine paternity. This involves collecting samples from the child, the alleged father, and sometimes the mother to compare genetic markers. If the test confirms paternity, the court can proceed with custody arrangements based on the child’s best interests.
However, if paternity remains unresolved, the court may have to navigate custody issues without clear biological evidence. In such cases, other factors might include the child’s relationship with each potential parent, living situations, and emotional well-being.
Courts may also consider the child’s bond with each parent, their primary caregiver, and their overall quality of life. They also weigh factors such as each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs. Additionally, the child’s preferences, depending on their age and maturity, may be considerations.
In some cases, temporary custody arrangements may be in place until paternity is final. These arrangements aim to maintain stability and minimize disruption in the child’s life as the legal process unfolds.
Mediation can also help resolve custody disputes when paternity is in question. A mediator can assist parents in reaching a mutually agreeable custody arrangement outside of court, focusing on the child’s best interests. This approach allows parents to collaborate and tailor custody arrangements to suit their unique circumstances.
Ultimately, if paternity remains unresolved and parents cannot reach a consensus, the court will decide based on the available evidence and legal standards. This decision may involve appointing a guardian ad litem or custody evaluator to assess the child’s situation and make recommendations to the court.
In cases where paternity is eventually established after custody arrangements are in place, the court may revisit the custody order to ensure it aligns with the child’s best interests and the newly confirmed parentage.
Your family law attorney will do everything possible to resolve all pending issues in your divorce case – including those involving paternity.
How to Determine the Best Interests of the Child in Divorce/Paternity Cases in South Carolina
Determining the best interests of the child in divorce and paternity cases is essential for courts to make custody and visitation decisions. Several factors help ensure custody arrangements meet the child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs.
- First, the child’s safety and well-being are of the utmost importance. Courts assess each parent's ability to provide a safe and stable environment free from abuse, neglect, and harmful influences. They must carefully scrutinize any history of domestic violence or substance abuse to safeguard the child’s welfare.
- Next, the court must consider the child’s emotional and psychological needs. Courts consider the strength and quality of the child’s bond with each parent and their ability to meet their emotional needs. Maintaining continuity and stability in the child’s relationships and living arrangements is crucial for their emotional security.
- Another consideration is the child’s developmental stage and individual characteristics. Younger children may require more consistency and routine, while older children may have preferences and opinions that deserve consideration. Courts strive to accommodate each child's unique needs and circumstances to promote healthy development.
- The court also evaluates the child’s educational and extracurricular needs. Courts assess each parent’s involvement in the child’s education and extracurricular activities and their ability to support and encourage the child’s academic and personal growth.
- The child’s cultural, religious, and community connections are also considerations. Courts recognize the importance of preserving the child’s cultural and religious identity and may prioritize maintaining ties to extended family members and community networks.
- The proximity of each parent’s residence to the child’s school, healthcare providers, and social support networks is also a factor. Courts aim to minimize disruption in the child’s life and ensure convenient access to essential services and resources.
- The willingness of each parent to facilitate and encourage a positive relationship between the child and the other parent is crucial. Courts look favorably upon parents who demonstrate a cooperative and child-centered approach to co-parenting, fostering a sense of continuity and security for the child.
Finally, the court might consider any additional factors relevant to the child’s well-being and best interests on a case-by-case basis. Courts have the discretion to weigh various circumstances and make decisions prioritizing the child’s overall welfare.
What is a Paternity or Custody Agreement?
In the context of divorce proceedings, a paternity or custody agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parents regarding the care, custody, and visitation of their children. This agreement is essential for establishing clear guidelines to ensure the well-being and stability of the children involved in the divorce proceeding.
A paternity or custody agreement typically addresses various aspects of parental responsibility, including where the child will live, visitation schedules, decision-making authority regarding the child’s education, healthcare, and religious upbringing, as well as child support obligations.
When parents cannot reach an agreement on these matters independently, they may turn to mediation or court intervention to help facilitate negotiations and ultimately establish a custody arrangement that is in the best interests of their child.
In cases where paternity is in question, a paternity agreement may be necessary to formally establish the legal relationship between the father and child. This agreement can address issues such as custody, visitation, and child support, providing clarity and legal recognition of the father’s rights and responsibilities.
Once a paternity or custody agreement is in place, it becomes a legally enforceable document, and both parents must abide by its terms. Failure to comply with the terms of the agreement can result in legal consequences, including fines, loss of visitation rights, or even changes to custody arrangements.
It’s essential for both parents to carefully consider the terms of the agreement and to prioritize the best interests of their children when negotiating custody arrangements.
In many cases, a court will award joint custody, allowing both parents to share physical and legal custody of their child. This arrangement can be beneficial for fostering a sense of stability and continuity in the child’s life and promoting ongoing involvement from both parents.
However, joint custody may not be suitable in all situations, particularly if concerns about the child's safety or well-being exist. In such cases, one parent may be awarded sole custody, with the other parent granted visitation rights.
An experienced family law attorney in your area can craft a paternity or child custody agreement that suits the needs of your case and serves your child’s best interests.
What Happens at a Paternity or Custody Trial in South Carolina?

In a paternity or custody trial, disputes over parental rights and responsibilities are resolved in the courtroom. These legal proceedings are typically emotionally charged, as they determine the future of a child’s upbringing and the roles of the parents involved.
- The trial begins with opening statements from each party’s legal representatives. These statements outline their arguments and set the tone for the proceedings. Each side presents evidence to support their claims. This evidence may include testimonies from witnesses, such as family members, friends, or experts, and documents like birth certificates or DNA test results in paternity cases.
- The judge carefully considers the evidence presented, weighing factors such as the child’s best interests, the parents’ ability to provide a stable environment, and any history of abuse or neglect in the home. Both parties can cross-examine witnesses and challenge the opposing side’s evidence.
- Throughout the trial, a judge may also order evaluations, such as psychological assessments or home visits, to gather additional information about the child’s living situation and the parents’ capabilities. These evaluations can play a significant role in the final decision.
- As the trial progresses, emotions often run high, with each parent fighting passionately for what they believe is best for their child. It’s common for tensions to escalate, leading to heated exchanges and contentious arguments in the courtroom.
- Ultimately, the judge renders a verdict based on the evidence presented and applicable laws. This decision may include establishing paternity, determining custody arrangements, and setting visitation schedules. The judge’s decision is legally binding, and both parties must follow it.
For many involved, a paternity or custody trial is a harrowing experience filled with uncertainty and stress. It can also be financially draining as legal fees mount with each court appearance and motion filed.
Regardless of the outcome, the aftermath of a paternity or custody trial often involves ongoing legal battles, as parents may seek modifications to custody arrangements or enforcement of court orders. In some cases, the trial serves as a starting point for a long journey through the family court system.
In the end, a paternity or custody trial aims to ensure your child's well-being and best interests. An experienced family law attorney can fight for both you and your child’s rights and pursue the best possible result in your case.
Contact a Family Law Attorney about Your South Carolina Divorce Case and Unresolved Paternity Issues Today
Paternity issues in a divorce case typically involve child custody. An experienced family law attorney can seek to resolve all paternity-related issues in your case or represent you during any legal proceedings in court. Throughout the process, your lawyer will aggressively fight for you and your child’s legal rights and work to secure a favorable outcome.