Dog Bite Injury Compensation in South Carolina
Dog bite accidents are on the upswing nationwide. According to the latest statistics. 45.3% of all the households in South Carolina own a dog. They generally make great companions and are certainly loved by their owners. However, in 2019, dog bite injuries accounted for 307 claims against South Carolina insurance companies. It’s true that certain breeds are more known for biting and might present a higher risk, but any dog might suddenly bite given the right circumstances. When you or your loved one has been injured in a personal injury such as a dog attack, you have the right to obtain compensation.
South Carolina Dog Bite Law
Under South Carolina Code Section 47-3-110, minus certain exceptions, anyone bitten and injured by a dog either in a public location or private place lawfully may file for damages against the owner or the person in charge of the animal. Exceptions include:
- The animal was harassed or provoked, which precipitated the attack.
- The dog was trained and performing its duties while being handled either by an employee of a government agency, law enforcement or others while carrying out their official jobs.
Reasons a Dog May Attack
Having information on why dogs suddenly bite can help lower a person’s risk. The following explanations might help explain why a dog suddenly turns aggressive:
- Fear can make a dog turn aggressive if the animal is afraid of being injured, cornered or is woken suddenly.
- Female dogs can become aggressive and bite if they are trying to protect their puppies.
- Dogs can be protective of their owners, home and possessions, which can make them bite to defend them.
- Prey-driven dogs can have their instincts kick in to chase and challenge a jogger, runner or bicycle rider.
- A dog that is ill or in pain may bite.
What to Do If You’ve Suffered a Dog Bite Injury
If you’ve been injured by a dog, do the following to help protect your rights:
- Find out who the dog’s owner is: Because an injured party may be forced to take rabies shots otherwise, it’s important to find out who owns the animal. In this way, the veterinarian for the animal can be located to find out if the dog’s vaccination records are current. A Myrtle Beach or Aiken dog bite attorney can work toward locating the dog’s owner and handle the insurance claim so the injured client can get fair compensation.
- See a doctor or go to the emergency room: Severe traumas obviously require immediate treatment, but because a dog bite can result in serious infections or illness, even a minor bite needs attention.
- The physician you see is legally required to report the dog bite to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. However, you can report it yourself if you choose not to receive medical care.
- Take photos of your injuries, including any bruises.
- Call a Myrtle Beach or Aiken dog bite lawyer. The lawyer can explain further about your rights and assist you in getting compensation to cover your losses.
Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers - South Carolina Dog Bite Attorneys
Being injured by a dog can cause serious pain and trauma as well as escalating medical bills and the loss of wages from being unable to work. At Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we can successfully defend your right to fair compensation by negotiating for you with the insurance company or taking your case to civil court if necessary. Call us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation at (843) 232-0944 in either Myrtle Beach or (803) 470-4444 in Aiken. We can also be contacted online.