Myrtle Beach - Avoiding Traffic Collisions
Myrtle Beach sees around 19 million tourists a year, so it isn’t surprising that traffic collisions often occur with resulting injuries and fatalities. The South Carolina Department of Public Safety reports that in 2019, the latest year for statistics, an injury accident in the state occurred every 13.6 seconds with a fatality reported every 9.4 hours. Learning the best ways to avoid a traffic accident can keep you safe and help avoid injuries to yourself and your loved ones that can result in hospitalization, loss of wages and the pain and suffering that goes with it.
The Car Accident Lawyers at Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers
Suffering an injury at the hands of a negligent driver requires the services of an experienced attorney. Since the driver who caused your injury won’t be anxious to pay and will probably put up a fight, having legal representation is important. The lawyers at Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers are here to ensure you obtain the compensation you deserve.
How to Avoid a Rear-End Crash
Rear-end collisions are among the most common traffic accidents. Ways you can avoid accident injuries such as a cervical sprain, a traumatic brain injury or broken bones in a rear-end crash include:
- Don’t tailgate. Keeping your distance from the vehicle in front gives you time to stop safely if you have to.
- Don’t drive when you’ve been drinking or using drugs that warn you not to.
- Avoid distracted driving such as texting, changing a radio station and others. Do these when you’re parked.
Use Extra Caution at Intersections
Intersections are where more than 50 percent of all traffic collisions occur. You can stay safer by:
- Practice defensive driving: Anytime vehicles are converging in a single area, accidents can happen.
- Watch for speeders and red-light runners before moving into an intersection.
- Be careful when pedestrians and bicycle riders are around.
Don’t Drive Distracted
Distracted driving has become the number one reason for traffic collisions. Those who are performing other activities while driving are more at risk because when your eyes are averted from surrounding traffic for even five seconds, your vehicle can travel 300 feet. Stay safer by:
- Avoiding texting or talking on a phone can help avoid an accident. Even hands-free cell phones have been shown to be almost as dangerous as holding one in your hand.
- If you want to change your radio station or check GPS, do it before your start out or pull over into a parking lot to do so.
- Don’t eat or drink beverages while driving. While it might seem a small distraction, it’s enough to cause a traffic collision.
- Bring along books or games to occupy children in the vehicle, and strap in dogs or place them in a carrier.
Avoid Traffic Collisions When Backing
Accidents when backing up are common, and most are caused by negligence. While backup cameras in newer models of vehicles can be helpful, using common sense helps too. Don’t just check your rearview mirror when backing. Check your side mirrors also, and back out slowly, especially in parking lots. A pedestrian may be just out of your vision.
Avoid Committing Traffic Infractions
The best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe is to avoid traffic infractions. Although you have to continue to watch out for other drivers, it does reduce the risk of a serious traffic accident by not doing the following examples:
- Speeding
- Running stop signs or traffic lights
- Failure to yield the right-of-way
- Racing
- Improper passing
Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers in Myrtle Beach - South Carolina Car Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured in an accident, obtaining the compensation you deserve requires the legal insight of an experienced lawyer. You can find it with the Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers. Call (843) 232-0944 to schedule your free case review to find out how we can help you. You can also contact us online.