How an Injury Lawyer Can Obtain a Fair Accident Settlement
When you are injured in a car accident with another vehicle, one of the things you have to do is contact your insurance adjuster. However, you should keep in mind that your insurance company is in business to make money, so using caution when speaking to the agent is important. Otherwise, saying the wrong thing, even innocently, can mean your recovery of damages will be lowered or denied altogether. In addition, under the South Carolina Department of Insurance, there is no timeframe to settle a claim, so it can be dragged out until you are desperate.
Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers Can Help You Get the Compensation You Deserve
At Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers, we are here for you when you’ve been injured by another person’s negligence and know how to deal with your insurance company on your behalf to ensure your settlement reaches the best possible outcome. We know the ins and outs of the insurance industry and the ways they try to pressure you to settle too early or deny your claim, and we won’t let that happen. Give us a call for a free case consultation at (843) 232-0944 for our friendly advice.
Things You Should Never Say to an Insurance Adjuster
People are often rattled following an accident, especially if they are injured, so they don’t think to guard what they say when talking to the insurance adjuster. The problem with this is that the adjuster may use your innocent statements against you later. Following are some statements you should avoid making when speaking with your adjuster:
- The adjuster will probably ask how you are quickly in the conversation. The natural response is “fine” or “just a few minor bumps and bruises.” However, keep in mind you haven’t been checked out by a doctor yet, and what may appear to be a minor injury may end up as something worse. Those early responses can be enough that your adjuster may deny your injury claim later.
- Never appear to admit fault if the adjuster asks who caused the accident. Even though you think you might have been distracted or another action, that doesn’t mean you caused the accident. That’s for the police and your attorney to determine. Admitting even partial fault can interfere with your injury claim or cause it to be denied.
- Don’t ask the insurance adjuster which doctor to go to. Yes, some people actually do ask their adjuster that question, and your insurance company may have a list of preferred providers. Keep in mind, however, it’s to your advantage to seek your own medical care, whether at the local emergency room or your family physician.
- Don’t sign a medical release or allow the insurance company access to your medical records. Symptoms of injuries are sometimes delayed, and signing a release means you can’t pursue compensation. In addition, allowing an insurance company access to your medical files means they may try and use an old injury as an excuse to refuse payment.
Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers in the Myrtle Beach Area
The Morris Law Accident Injury Lawyers has your best interests at heart in the Myrtle Beach area when you’ve been injured by a negligent motorist. They work hard to ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve by negotiating with the insurance company on your behalf or taking the case to court if necessary. Call them at (843) 232-0944, or contact them online to schedule a free, no-obligation case review.