In the unfortunate event of losing a loved one due to a faulty product, families often grapple with immense grief, confusion, and a burning question—who can you hold accountable? If a manufacturer failed to ensure the safety of their product, leading to a wrongful death, a wrongful death lawyer can hold it accountable for its grievous oversights.
Negligence or a blatant disregard for safety amplifies the pain and incredulity of the deceased's loved ones. We hope this post will empower you with the information you need to navigate the legal path toward achieving the justice you rightfully deserve.
Understanding Wrongful Death
In legal terms, wrongful death is a claim that arises when a person dies due to the legal fault of another person or entity. This could result from a direct act, such as an intentional hit or negligence—failing to ensure the safety and quality of a product, for example. In these scenarios, the deceased person's surviving beneficiaries may file a wrongful death claim against those responsible for their loved one's death.
Circumstances Under Which You Can Make a Wrongful Death Claim
You can make a wrongful death claim in various scenarios where someone's negligence or deliberate harmful action results in the death of your loved one, including medical malpractice leading to a patient's death, automobile accidents, occupational exposure to hazardous conditions, workplace injuries, or death due to defective or unsafe products.
The Role of Negligence in Wrongful Death Cases
One of the primary elements in a wrongful death claim is determining negligence. For product liability, negligence could mean a manufacturer failed to ensure the safety of its products, leading to a user's death. This could be due to design flaws, manufacturing errors, or inadequate warnings about a product's potential risks. Proving negligence is crucial, as it forms the basis for assigning blame and demanding accountability.
The Role of Manufacturers in Wrongful Death Cases
A manufacturer's role revolves around the concept of product liability, which refers to a manufacturer's responsibility for any injury or death their products may cause. The manufacturer can be liable if a product proves defective or unsafe, leading to an injury or death. An everyday injury can escalate to a fatal one due to negligence or hazardous defects in a product.

Manufacturers must make safe products. They must provide sufficient instructions and warnings about any potential dangers relating to the use of their products. Failure to uphold this responsibility could make them liable in the event of any harm their products caused. This forms the basis for holding manufacturers accountable in wrongful death cases.
A lawyer will know how to hold a manufacturer accountable after the wrongful death of a loved one. They can secure a sense of justice and closure for you. Nothing can replace your loved one, but getting justice for their wrongful death can go a long way toward your healing.
Steps to Take After a Wrongful Death
You may feel overwhelmed after a loved one’s wrongful death, but you must swiftly begin the process of holding the manufacturer accountable.
You will need witnesses and product information, including the purchase receipt, warranty information, and instruction manuals. The product itself will serve as crucial evidence.
Filing a lawsuit might sound intimidating, but it can hold the manufacturer accountable. This process begins with preparing a complaint detailing how the unsafe or defective product resulted in wrongful death. The court serves this complaint to the defendant—in this case, the manufacturer.
The Role of Evidence in Proving Manufacturer Negligence
Evidence, including product documentation, expert testimony on defects or lack of safety, and medical reports connecting the death to the product, is pivotal for proving negligence in a wrongful death lawsuit. Solid evidence can support your claim of manufacturer negligence and increase the odds of a favorable outcome.
Photographic evidence of the product and the hazard it presented, including pictures of the product, where the incident occurred, and any injuries individuals sustained, can help.
Correspondence with the manufacturer regarding the defect or safety concerns can also provide powerful evidence. You could also use the product's marketing materials, such as commercials and brochures, to demonstrate that the manufacturer made false or misleading claims about its safety.
The Role of Legal Representation in Wrongful Death Cases
Legal representation in a wrongful death case can make a significant difference in ensuring justice and manufacturer accountability. Wrongful death cases can often be complex, with various legal procedures and regulations to navigate.
An experienced wrongful death attorney can guide you through this process and advocate for your rights, and those of your deceased loved one.
A wrongful death attorney understands wrongful death cases. They will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the death, gather evidence, establish liability, and calculate the damages your family suffered due to the loss of your loved one. They will negotiate with the manufacturer's insurance company or legal team, ensuring you receive a fair settlement.
Experience is important in wrongful death cases. An attorney with experience can anticipate potential challenges and advise you on the value of your claim based on the unique factors of your case. They can advise you on what happens next in the process so you do not have any sudden surprises while trying to cope with your grief.
Navigating the Legal Process
Your attorney will take over the complex legal work, including filing the lawsuit, preparing and presenting evidence, representing you in court, and pursuing appeals if necessary, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on healing and recovering.
Holding a manufacturer accountable for wrongful death might be challenging. With the proper legal assistance, however, justice can prevail.
Punitive Damages in a Product Liability Case
Upon filing wrongful death litigation, take time to understand the types of damages the court might award. Punitive damages punish the negligent party and deter other companies from similar negligent behavior. The courts do not award these damages in all cases, as the plaintiff must prove that the manufacturer acted with gross negligence or malicious intent.
Compensatory damages reimburse you for your financial losses.
What to Know About Survival Actions
A survival action is a lawsuit the deceased could have pursued had they lived. It allows the deceased's estate to recover damages for the pain and suffering the deceased experienced before death, lost earnings, and medical expenses the family incurred due to the defect that ultimately led to death.
The damages you may recover from a survival action usually go directly toward your loved one's estate, and families can disburse them according to their will or state law. This legal provision can provide an additional avenue for seeking justice for your loved ones.
Potential Outcomes of a Wrongful Death Suit Against a Manufacturer
When holding a manufacturer accountable for wrongful death, it is important to be aware of the potential outcomes of the lawsuit. These outcomes can involve legal and financial repercussions for the manufacturer, compensation and justice for the victim's family, and an understanding of the value of a wrongful death case.
Legal and financial repercussions for the manufacturer can be severe, including penalties, fines, substantial damages, or even criminal charges.
No amount of money can compensate for the loss of a loved one. Financial compensation, however, can be a vital lifeline if you are facing financial difficulties in the wake of such a loss.
Compensation may cover medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, lost earnings, and loss of companionship. Damages offer financial relief and a sense of justice by bringing the manufacturer to task for their negligence.
Defenses You May Encounter in a Wrongful Death Product Liability Lawsuit
While you must build a strong case, you must prepare for the defense a manufacturer might put forward. To evade accountability, manufacturers can claim your loved one misused the product, altered it after it left their facility, or fully understood the risk but chose to use it anyway.
Your attorney can counter these defenses by demonstrating continued negligence by the manufacturer, despite subsequent incorrect use or alterations to the product. They can also argue that the manufacturer did not provide sufficient warning about the associated risks of the product or failed to provide adequate safety features.
How Much Is My Wrongful Death Case Worth?
The value of a wrongful death case depends on several factors, including your loved one's income, their pain and suffering before death, your financial needs, and the manufacturer's degree of negligence.
A wrongful death lawyer can advise you on what compensation you might expect according to the unique circumstances of your case.
You cannot objectively quantify the emotional toll of wrongful death. While financial compensation can cover costs and lost income, it does not replace the emotional loss you experience.
Emotions such as grief, loss, and post-traumatic stress disorder might combine with anger and frustration if the death was seemingly preventable. A wrongful death attorney understands this and can offer emotional support and guidance in addition to their legal services, helping you navigate both the legal and emotional process.
Get the Legal Assistance You Need to Pursue a Wrongful Death Claim

With the correct knowledge and legal assistance, justice can prevail, and you can find some closure as you hold a manufacturer accountable for your loved one’s wrongful death.
Do not shy away from pursuing your case to ensure justice for your loved ones and help prevent similar negligent actions from manufacturers. Start today, and discuss your loss with a personal injury lawyer experienced in wrongful death cases near you.